The Grecian Beast and the Youth Antichrist Vision

On July 25, 2021 my now deceased brother Raymond Blankenship had a vision of what I think was a revealing of the choosing of the man Antichrist and the coming revived Grecian Kingdom.  To this end, I will post the open vision as he described it in his own words.

I was awakened at 20 minutes after 2 a.m. on the morning of 07/25/2021.  I saw a vision where the Lord showed me the sun in the sky and it was very dim.  It was more like looking at the moon instead of the sun because there was no orange tint to it at all - just pale.  There were thick dark clouds drifting across the sun making it appear even more dim until it became almost completely dark.

Then I saw the head of a Black Stallion horse like one you would see as a chess piece just floating through the air over top of a mass amount of hands which were all reaching upwards to the heavens.  I could tell that there were people from all ages, races, and genders by observing all the different types and colors of their extended hands.  As it began to grow even darker, almost pitch black, I could see things that looked liked demons and they appeared to be very evil.  Although, these beings were much taller than a normal man and they were all wearing what looked like body armor that an ancient Roman soldier would have worn and each was wearing and unusual helmet that looked like the following. (picture posted below)

These evil demonic soldiers encircled the mass of people and they were huddling together whispering to each other but I could not hear what the soldiers were murmuring but there were a lot of these demons all the way around the mass of people who had their hands outstretched into the air.

I then saw 3 or 4 of the soldiers take hold of a very young man.  The youth did not have a shirt on and from his body torso and arms I knew he was about 13 or so years old.  He appeared very thin and his skin was a tanned brown color.  The evil demons then took the young man by both arms and begin leading him away whispering to him as they departed.

The Lord then spoke to me and said, "Desolation of man shall come by My hand - not man's hand so they will know that I AM God."

I then began to see the back half of the Black Stallion which appeared so powerful and muscular.  Its body looked massive with muscles larger than any I have ever seen before.

Then, just as soon as the vision had begun it likewise abruptly ended...    

As you ponder on the above vision, I will let you draw your own conclusions as to whether this reveals the demonic choosing of the man Antichrist by those demons who represent the futuristically revived Grecian Empire and its soon to rise King from the abyss - Adonikam/Abaddon/Apollyon.