I will begin my discussion on this mysterious subject by declaring that the initial direction for this inquiry resulted from a dream.  Prior to receiving the dream, I had spent more than two years of intense Biblical research focusing mainly on the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.  Even though I had achieved a marginal degree of understanding regarding the mysteries enclosed within these texts I was far from any mastery of the material, even until this day.  While I may not be so presumptuous as to identify myself as a Biblical scholar, I am by no means a Scriptural novice either.  To this end, having learned from the collective works of Biblical scholars over the years, while guided by the Holy Spirit, I am very comfortable with the summary of information presented within the context of this document.  In addition, I would like to place into record that I am a very conservative Christian and I do not believe in UFO’s or little green monsters from Mars. 
Moreover, I believe in the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit of God, and those who earnestly endeavor to understand God’s Word, will be rewarded with overwhelming blessings of the majestic and hidden mysteries of God.  Hence, "And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." (Luke 11:9)

Seeing therefore that the reader of this work is both suggested and encouraged to have a generalized understanding of the importance of dreams in relation to spiritual discernment and how they relate throughout Scripture to revelations from God for His children, I will forgo any further Biblical references on dreams and therefore proceed directly to the initial dream of earlier mention.

In the days leading up to 10/09/2002 I had been studying on Israel, the Church, the Rapture and whether or not the Church would actually go through 'The Great Tribulation'.  Then, without warning, during the early a.m. hours of 10/09/2002, I had a dream revealing the following: 

I was standing in a solid concrete room that was approximately 15ft. wide, 25ft. long, and 20ft. high.  There were no lights or windows in the room and it was very dark, but not completely. It appeared as though the room was some sort of a concrete vault.  There was a small door opening to my left, which was off centered towards the southwest corner at the south end of the room where I was standing.  However, I could not see the door due to the extreme thickness of the concrete walls.  As stated the entire room was made of concrete - walls, ceiling, and floor.  I was standing with my back towards the middle of the compass eastern wall at the end of the room, and in my spirit, I could see the image of a person standing just to the right of me.  Within my mind I was given to understand that the presence of this person was that of a woman.  However, I could not make out any of the physical features of the woman.

Directly in front of the woman and myself, within mere inches (perhaps a foot), was a small shallow crystal clear pool of water about 3 feet in diameter that was vividly visible.  Just below the surface of the water within the pool, passively lay a large snake (serpent), not coiled, but crumpled up, about 3 feet in length. It was of a light yellowish color and had darker tan spotted areas propagated throughout the entirety of its body.  In my spirit, I could sense that the serpent was extremely dangerous, and as such, I was mortally terrified at its presence.

However, the woman standing beside me did not seem to be afraid of the serpent at all and I distinctly remember her saying that she was going to, "Communicate with the serpent using Yoga."  Immediately following this, I then heard the woman mumble some words in tongues, an unknown language of which I could not understand.  Then, the serpent immediately began to ever so slowly and cautiously move and raise up out of the pool of water towards the woman and myself.  As the serpent subtly approached it raised approximately half of its body vertically as it moved towards us.  Then, the woman casually, without fear or concern, moved east along the southern wall, turning north at the southeastern corner of the room, and continued moving north along the eastern wall towards the northeastern end of the room.  At the far northeastern end of the room, she stopped and remained silent. 

Then, the serpent slowly began to turn from facing me towards its left, following the exact directional path of the woman as though it was stalking or "obeying her".  As such, in my spirit I felt as though the woman was actually controlling the behavioral response of the serpent.

At that time, feeling completely trapped, I became very frightened and concerned that the serpent would eventually return for me and subsequently strike me.  Although, exiting the room via the door passage never entered my mind and did not seem to be a viable option.  Then, immediately following my overwhelming perception of fear, in my dream my body began to levitate (rapture) toward the ceiling area at the southwest corner of the room. After being lifted up, I then looked down from the ceiling onto the serpent and the woman, and awoke from the dream with much confusion and bewilderment.

Subsequent to having this dream, I knew beyond any reasonable doubt it was not just any ordinary dream and I was convinced it was indeed a message inspired of God.  As stated, I was quite confused as to the dream's literal meaning, so I proceeded to try to translate what I had seen into some form of intelligible information.  However, at that time my passive attempts at interpretation were not enough to reach a comfortable level of the dream’s actual understanding.   I therefore, placed what I had seen in the back of my mind and continued with my Biblical research on the Book of Revelation.  Please see the following related articles regarding Yoga and the dangers thereof...What is Yoga and Judaism and the Dangers of 'Torah Kabbalah or Torah Yoga'